I’m a software engineer working with RStudio, Inc.
I got my PhD from the Department of Statistics, Iowa State University. My
thesis was Dynamic
Graphics and Reporting for Statistics, advised
by Di and
Heike. I have been developing a few
R packages either seriously or for
fun (or both), such as
animation, formatR, and knitr. I founded
a Chinese website called “Capital of Statistics” in 2006,
which has grown into a large online community on statistics in China. I also
initiated the first Chinese R conference in 2008. Besides statistics, I’m a
big fan of GitHub, LyX and
pandoc. I hate IE. I fall asleep when I
see beamer slides, and I yell at people who use \textbf{}
to write
. I know I cannot eat code, so I cook almost every day to stay
away from my computer for two hours.
这是谢益辉的个人主页。2013年底我从Ames村办大学统计系毕业(终于解决了人生前30年里最大的FAQ:你怎么还没毕业?),目前就职于RStudio。我支持开源软件,喜欢折腾网站和代码,是一个高度自我驱动的人。打羽毛球爱勾对角,打乒乓球像太极,网球满场子捡球,篮球容易被撞飞,攀岩一次,腿软。宅,口重,嗜辣,屡教不改。智商中等偏下,对麻将和三国杀有不可逾越的认知障碍,实变函数课上曾被老师叫醒。少读书,只是偶尔网上乱翻帖子,对诗词楹联比较感兴趣,目前比较中意的一联是“千秋邈矣独留我 百战归来再读书”,最喜欢的一首词是: